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Prompter Mastery Training

Unlock Your On-Camera Magic: Master Teleprompter & Ear Prompter with Us!
Welcome to "Prompter Mastery Training"

Dream of captivating audiences? This 4-hour workshop equips you with the golden tools of success: teleprompter and ear prompter mastery. From broadcasting to public speaking, trade shows to TV hosting, these skills open doors to diverse roles like news reporter, sports commentator, anchor, and more.

No more script blunders or robotic delivery! Learn to read ahead seamlessly, develop a perfect tempo, and connect with your audience. Master advanced techniques like controlling breathing for long scripts, communicating with operators, optimizing font and color for your eyes, and collaborating with fellow actors on-camera.

Experience the power of dual prompts: learn to read from a teleprompter while receiving live audio instructions through an ear prompter. Invest in your on-camera confidence and unlock a world of exciting opportunities! Register today!

What You Will Master

Unveiling the Art of Acting with a Master of the Stage

Manuel Poblete

Manuel Poblete's passion for acting ignited during college when a chance encounter with a talent scout led him to his first acting class. This transformative experience revealed his true calling, and from that day forward, Manuel committed to a lifelong journey as an actor.


With over 15 years of professional experience, he has played pivotal roles in acclaimed television shows such as "The Wire," "VEEP," "America's Most Wanted," "Psychic Witness," "Interpol," "Navy Seals," and "FBI Files." Beyond acting, Manuel has contributed as a producer, director, and private acting coach. Renowned for his success, he has been invited by prestigious organizations to conduct workshops, including the "Acting for TV and Film" sessions at the 2009 Dominican Republic Global Film Festival.


A proud member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), Manuel Poblete continues to make his mark in the entertainment industry.

Prompter Mastery Training

Workshop Duration: 4 hours

Date: Saturday  March 9, 2024 Workshop

Attendance Limit: 15 participants for personalized attention

Instructor: MP Marketing Materials

From: $450

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